RFID News & Events


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Marks & Spencer to Tag Items at 120 Stores

Specials / Marketplace

The U.K. retailer will use handheld RFID interrogators to track inventory ...

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RFID-enabled license plates in UK

The new e-Plates project uses active (battery powered) RFID tags embedded in the plates to identify vehicles in real time...

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DataTag is in trouble, maybe.

DataTag is a major supplier of theft protection devices for jet skis, motorcycles and other items of value is now target of patent infringement suit.

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RFID can now turn off

Consumers who buy clothing or other products with such a label can tear it like a ketchup packet, separating the tag's radio antenna from the chip that stores product information - and thus shrinking the chip's wireless range from several feet to a few inches...

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RFID now tracks what we buy...suprise

This technology can track meaningful patterns from the way customers move about in a mall or in a grocery store. Its just a matter of time before all of our buying paters will be on sale...

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RFID goes to animals

...it will contain information on breed, birthplace and ownership.

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RFID tracks blood

Plans to track blood transfusions 'from vein to vein' using RFID technology have taken a step forward...

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